Let us assume that you have made extensive experience in the field of your business idea for many years. So you are a real expert in this field where it will be difficult for others to keep up with you.

When you are then in the situation to create an effective team, to apply for funding, but also to impress investors, it is obvious that you want to show first what you are able to do. This often leads to the presentation of a lecture which sometimes makes it difficult even for experts to really understand you. In the best case, you are considered to be an expert who is denied the ability to understand business rules.

However, if you are able to explain your business idea on the basis of the Seven Key Questions but then concentrate on matters in depth, the core of your business idea will become very clear. The main advantage of this approach is that you do not kill your counterparts with details at a time when they have not yet understood the circumstances.

This is also the reason for the at first glance simple question after the customer. The answer to this question allows your counterpart to approach your business idea without great effort. Combined with the second question, according to the problem to be solved, you are already very close to the actual business idea. Details or fine-tuning algorithms are not of interest at this level.

(c) 2016 Steinbeis-Transfer-Institut Innovation & Business Creation, D-82166 Gräfelfing. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Ein Unternehmen im Steinbeis-Verbund.